Birds Records from Danjugan Island Negros Occidental, Philippines


  • Tony King
  • Simon Tyler
  • Craig Turner
  • Roger O'Malley
  • Peter Raines


The bird fauna of Danjugan Island, which forms part of one of the most globally threatened Endemic Bird Areas (EBA 152), was recently surveyed as part of a wider biodiversity survey program completed by Coral Cay Conservation and the Philippine Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation, Inc. Observations were made over a four-month period in 2001 and a number of species of conservation interest were recorded. Species found to be breeding on the island included Rufous Night-heron (Nycticorax caledonicus), Tabon Scrubfowl (Megapodius cuiningii), White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), and Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana). Species endemic to the Philippines included Black-chinned Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri), Philippine Hawk-owl (Ninox philippensis), and Philippine Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus olivaceus). Several migrant species, such as Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) and Blue Rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius), were recorded on dates as early as any previous records from the Philippines. These preliminary results highlight the importance of the island as a refuge for a diverse avian fauna, and in light of the island's protective designation, locally-focused conservation and research recommendations are proposed.




How to Cite

King, T. ., Tyler, S., Turner, C., O’Malley, R. ., & Raines, P. (2022). Birds Records from Danjugan Island Negros Occidental, Philippines. Silliman Journal, 44(2). Retrieved from