Observations on the Rearing of the Fish Siganus Guttatus ( Bloch) (Siganidae) in Brackfish Water Ponds in Southern Negros, Philippines


  • Julieta Luchavez


A growth rate study was conducted on Siganus guttatus fry in two brackish water ponds from 29 November 1979 to 20 September 1980. A total of. 342 acclimatized fish (3 batches) were released in Pond I and 190 in Pond II. In Pond I, the monthly increase was 7.46 g for the first batch, 5.58 g for the second batch and 6.20 g for the third batch. The fish in Pond II had the highest monthly increase of 13.58 g. Tolerance of this species to salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen is discussed.




How to Cite

Luchavez, J. . (2024). Observations on the Rearing of the Fish Siganus Guttatus ( Bloch) (Siganidae) in Brackfish Water Ponds in Southern Negros, Philippines. Silliman Journal, 33(1-4). Retrieved from http://sillimanjournal.su.edu.ph/index.php/sj/article/view/486