Vol. 61 No. 2 (2020): Silliman Journal

When one is passionately curious, one finds many interesting things about nature and its people. Welcome to the second issue of Silliman Journal 2020. In this issue are six full-length articles inspired by explorations of human nature, learning, and nature. The first article explores humans’ spirituality and people’s ability to bounce back after a tragedy. Rogen Ferdinand E. Alcantara seeks to determine the relationship between natural disaster survivors’ spirituality and resilience. The next article investigates the factors that affect the reading anxiety of students coming from a context where English enjoys a second language status. Kei Jullesse C. Quinal examines the students’ level of reading anxiety and comprehension and determines whether their chosen strands influence these in senior high school.
Noting the importance of wellness in the teaching profession, Kenneth B. Pael examines senior high school teachers’ personal health and wellness practices in a local school. Data from the study will be used to design a personal improvement plan for the teachers. Following Pael’s article is an assessment of the diversity of trees in the forest ecosystem of Mt. Tapulao in Zambales. Nina Arra DJ. Rivera and Annie Melinda-Paz identify the trees found in the area to assess various aspects like their conversation status, economic use, endemism, etc. This evaluation is vital in managing the forest ecosystem, an important contributor to the area’s natural and economic resources. The fifth article is a perception study done by Annie Melinda PazAlberto, Oliva B. Parico, Roann P. Alberto, Carl Dionelle Ponce, and Daryl A. Juganas. Their article writes about fisherfolks’ knowledge and perception of the changes happening in the coastal and fishery resources in four municipalities of Zambales. The last article is a paper in the field of chemistry. Flora M. Yrad writes about modifying a dextrin methodology, simplifying the process and equipment for gold nanoparticle (AuNP), and reducing its reaction time. In the notes section, John Edgar C. Rubio, Deo Mar E. Suasin, and I write about an innovation that we introduced in the Language Learning Center that contributes to our Intensive English Program students’ learning process university students. The cover art for this issue is “At the Bookstore” by artist and educator Rebecca M. de la Torre. It is a painting that depicts two loves of the artist: her mom and books.
Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD