The Vertebrate Biodiversity of the Gigantes and Sicogon Islands, Iloilo Province, Philippines
biodiversity, Gigantes Islands, Panay Island, zoogeographyAbstract
The biodiversity of the Gigantes and Sicogon Islands and associated islets are presented and discussed based on a study
conducted from December 2009 to May 2010. Pertinent data on the biophysical conditions of caves in the Gigantes are also presented. Observations on the biology of the Critically Endangered Gigante Limestone Frog (3ODW\PDQWLV LQVXODWXV) and the Endangered Gigante Narrow-disked Gecko (*HNNRJLJDQWH) such as population density, behaviour, and reproductive biology are also presented. Threats to the biodiversity of these islands are discussed with corresponding recommendations. A preliminary discussion on the zoogeography of the two islands is also provided.