
  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 65 No. 2 (2024)

    Welcome to the second issue of the Silliman Journal for 2024! This edition highlights five full articles spanning a variety of disciplines.
    The issue opens with “A Site Investigation of Pollution Along the Bantayan-Piapi Coastline, Dumaguete City, Philippines.” In this article, Moses L. Alcala, Paulina S. Aspilla, Abner A. Bucol, and Socorro Z. Parco
    present findings from physico-chemical and bacteriological analyses of water samples from Mojon Creek and sewer outfalls along the BantayanPiapi coastline, uncovering severe pollution characterized by extremely high bacterial concentrations, elevated ammonia levels, and low dissolved oxygen. Their findings, which align with recent studies by the Silliman University Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management on microplastics in fish, offer critical insights and recommendations to address the area's significant environmental degradation.

    The second article, “A Geochemical Investigation and Review of Hydrogeology of The Dumaguete Aquifer” by Duane G. Guevarra and Moses L. Alcala, examines the contamination risks faced by the Dumaguete aquifer, attributed to its unconfined nature, rapid urbanization, and the absence of
    municipal sewage treatment and landfill facilities. A hydrogeological review and geochemical investigation of groundwater samples from six barangays revealed elevated levels of pH, TDS, EC, salinity, sulfate, and coliform, with several sites exceeding regulatory standards for nitrate, phosphate,
    and dissolved oxygen. Highlighting significant environmental challenges, the study emphasizes the urgent need for groundwater monitoring and modeling to ensure the aquifer’s long-term sustainability.

    The third article, “Resilience and Coping Strategies of Junior High School Students in Dumaguete City” by Ma. Hezel B. Eumague and Jaruvic C. Rafols, investigates the relationship between resilience and
    coping strategies among 154 Junior High School students at Holy Cross High School Dumaguete. Findings reveal that students demonstrate high resilience, characterized by adaptability and goal-driven determination, and predominantly employ approach-oriented coping strategies to address challenges effectively, underscoring a significant link between resilience and their chosen coping mechanisms.

    The fourth article, “Examining a Youth-led Participatory Video Process in Disaster Risk Reduction Management in a Philippine Rurban Community” by Trina Leah T. Mendoza and Benjamina Paula G. Flor,
    examines a youth-led participatory video (PV) process in disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) within a flood-prone community in Bay, Laguna, Philippines, focusing on how youth conceptualize DRRM and PV. Through a PV training workshop, interviews, focus groups, and observations, participants emphasized disaster preparedness through information dissemination and capacity building, ultimately producing an advocacy video on typhoon preparedness. The study concludes that the PV process
    serves as both a learning platform and a community organizing strategy, empowering youth to co-create knowledge, develop critical awareness, and actively participate in DRRM initiatives as partners in development.

    Finally, the fifth article, “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Infection Prevention and Control among Healthcare Workers” by Estela Q. Catacutan, Novem Catherine E. Joseph, and Dave E. Marcial, evaluates
    infection prevention and control (IPC) practices among healthcare workers at Bais and Bindoy District Hospitals, focusing on their knowledge, attitudes, and practices and their relationship with demographic factors. Employing a non-experimental descriptive-correlational design, the research revealed that
    respondents generally had adequate IPC knowledge, reducing susceptibility to hospital-acquired infections. However, the study emphasizes the need for regular training programs and strict adherence to updated protocols to address gaps in knowledge and practices among healthcare workers.

    The cover photo, titled “Distant Dreams,” is by campus journalist Nathaniel E. Carampatana. Describing his work, he writes, “In the glow of a golden sky, shadows of boats drift across a tranquil sea, capturing the quiet poetry of life’s endless voyage toward dreams and aspirations.”

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr. , PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 16 No. 4 (1969)

    This has been an eventful issue for the editors of this journal, for various reasons.

    For one, we discovered accidentally the fact that one of the articles submitted for this issue had already been published in the Silliman. Journal two years ago, when we were not editing the journal yet.

    So we had to pull out the errant article, which had already been printed, and substitute another of approximately the same length, which is not an easy task, mind you.

    For another, a plague struck the University Printing Press just as soon as we submitted our articles to them last December. Well, the word plague might be an exaggeration, because it was really just a case of flu. But plague or flu, the effect was the same: about half of the printing press force was knocked down.

    And then, to top it all, the manager of the printing press got married in December. So with half the employees down with flu, and the manager newly married, the press was paralyzed. is

    All of this, really, is just our way of apologizing to our readers for the delay in this issue of the journal. We hope to have better luck next time.

    With our new format and style, we feel there is no more need to introduce on this page the articles found inside. All the articles carry boxed resumés which should give the reader an idea of the contents of the issue in a glance.

    There is only feature that we need to point out here: the list of M.A. theses completed at Silliman University since the graduate school was established in 1936. We are publishing this list for the first time. We think it will be of interest to future graduate students and researchers at Silliman.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 17 No. 2 (1970)

    This issue is focused on Southeast Asia. We are publishing here lectures on various aspects of Southeast Asia delivered at the annual Southeast Asia Week at Silliman University, in February, 1970.

    Leading off is Dr, Edith Tiempo on Southeast Asian poetry. One interesting point brought out by Dr. Tiempo in her excellent article is the fact that the West also borrowed literary forms from the East.

    Fr. Demetrio follows with a ponderous essay in which he proposes a huge task—the systematic gathering, classifying and analysis of Philippine folktales. Dr. Francisco in the third article traces the Indian influence in the literature of South-east Asia.

    The fourth article did not come from this year’s Southeast Asia Week lectures, but it is also about the region. Dr. McHale delivered the lecture in last year’s Southeast Asia Week (1969).

    The last two articles in this issue are not about Southeast Asia—but they are about the Philippines. Mr. Rice talks about crime and punishment, with special reference to the Kalahan tribe in northern Luzon, about whom he knows a lot.

    We present a case study on one successful community newspaper in the Philippines, as proof that the local paper can succeed in a country where the community paper is notoriously unstable. 

    And then, for the first time, in the interest of research and researchers, we are publishing abstracts of master’s theses done at Silliman University. We will publish more abstracts in sueceeding issues.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 18 No. 1 (1971)


  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 27 No. 4 (1980)

    Even though SJ is still not quite back on schedule (I write this in
    August 1981), we are happy that most of the material we bring our readers
    this issue is very current.

    Local newspapers—post-martial law Dumaguete boasts five commu-
    nity weeklies, with one more rumored soon—and even the national dailies
    have recently taken much notice of Balinsasayao, an area of great nat-
    ural beauty a bumpy hour-and-a-half drive from Dumaguete. At issue
    is a proposal to tap the waters of the twin lakes for hydroelectric power
    generation. Proponents cite the country’s need to end dependence upon
    foreign sources of energy, and the necessity to have power available for
    the industries that the government is trying to attract to Negros Oriental.

    Opponents, the Silliman University Environmental Center among
    them, question the proposal on several grounds. For instance, is it feasible
    to expect a continuous power source from a lake that has no outlet, and,
    far from having a surplus of water, is actually receding year by year? If
    the project is built, would lowering the lake also lower the surrounding
    water table and perhaps have adverse effects on the tropical rain. forest?
    Might not lowering the lake eliminate fish breeding areas, depriving near-by
    residents of an essential protein source? What effect might the construc-
    tion of a power plant have on organic pollution in the lake? Note that the
    environmental questions raised are very closely related to the recommen-
    dations coming out of the independent studies of Alcala and Carumbana
    and of Lowrie, et al., both completed long before the current controversy.

    Discussion of Balinsasayao is further complicated by the fact that
    another, much larger power source is presently being developed in Negros
    Oriental. Geothermal wells in Valencia will soon be producing more than
    six megawatts of electricity, and by 1983 more than 200 megawatts should
    be available, enough for the entire island of Negros, with submarine
    cables envisioned to feed Cebu and Panay. Why, then, Balinsasayao?
    The answers that the geothermal power is “reserved for industry” or “too
    expensive” seem less than Satisfactory when it is recalled that New Zea-
    land government aid for the project was given to further “rural electri-
    fication.” We promise to keep our readers posted.

    Although certainly not the “hot” issue politically that Balingasayao
    is, sixteenth century Philippine history is a subject of some dispute also.
    A recent speaker on the Silliman University campus told of his efforts to
    establish by archeological means why it was that Filipinos did not resist
    the occupation of their islands by the Spanish conqaistadores. T. Valentino
    Sitoy’s historical study takes issue with that “fact” of non-resistance,
    enshrined in Philippine history books. Although Filipinos did not—

    perhaps wisely—meet Spanish cannons with bows and arrows, resist they
    did, but in subtle: ways that may have_escaped previous historical notice.

    Jean-Paul Dumont’s contribution to our “Notes” section is the first of
    what we hope will be a series of reports on his recent experience in Siqui-
    jor. We look forward to forthcoming articles making use of the genealogies
    of farmer-fishermen the Dumonts collected.

    Once again, SJ presents a substantial selection of book reviews; a
    new feature is an index to Volumes 26 and 27. We are grateful to Mrs.
    Nena S. Guasa of the Silliman University Library (and part time Busi-
    ness Manager of SJ) for compiling the index.

    D. L.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 28 No. 1-2 (1981)

    Apologies are again due our readers for the delay in appearance of
    this issue, a result, basically, of the break-down of antiquated equipment
    at the Silliman University Press. We can only hope that SJ is worth
    waiting for, and try to do better in the future.

    Nonetheless, SJ is happy to help celebrate the eightieth anniversary
    of Silliman University. Two articles by Silliman alumni now teaching
    in the United States focus the journal’s contribution. Ivor Thomas writes
    in a vein that made many listeners uncomfortable when his remarks were
    first delivered on the Silliman campus. Unfashionable as it may seem
    in this age of ferreting out imperialists, Thomas is forgiving of the
    American Protestant missionaries that accompanied soldiers and adminis-
    trators to these, and other, shores during the heyday of American colonial
    expansion. Although their enthusiasm sounded much like that of their
    secular counterparts, the missionaries, says Thomas, were in general
    “Gnnocents,” whose actions must not be classed as imperialism at all. Note
    that the views expressed by Everett Mendoza and Stephen Lowrie in
    their review articles run sharply counter to Thomas’s.

    In another “balik-Silliman” article, Lily Kapili makes a useful con-
    nection between the teaching of literature and the teaching of language.
    Her common-sense reminder, the result of research on teaching texts
    widely used in the Philippines, is that we should not expect too much
    too soon from students learning English as a second language. Texts
    tor literary study should be geared to language proficiency.

    Alan White’s notes on turtles alert readers to yet another environ-
    mental emergency facing the Philippines. Although now illegal, sea
    turtle exploitation continues, but must be. stopped—perhaps by un-
    orthodox means—if this important animal is not to disappear from our

    Perla Makil on women and Anthony Tan on literature should both
    be welcome to readers perhaps tiring of history and science, both heavily
    represented in SJ the past few years. We hope future issues will further
    emphasize the fact that this journal aims to be general in its presentation.

    Finally, we welcome Ceres Pioquinto, of the Silliman University
    Department of English and Literature, as Assistant Editor of SJ.

    D. L.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 29 No. 1-2 (1982)

    We welcome Peter Gowing back to SJ this issue, after absence much longer than we would wish. The Dansalan Quarterly, which Gowing edits, regularly carries a section entitled "We are Constantly asked.... " Ineed, information on what is really happenning in Mindanao is very hard to  come by, even in the Philippines. We do know that there is a war going on. But Manila newspapers described the situation as "quiet", the rebels as "no longer a threat" one day, then report ambushes, bombings, or other violence the next. We suspect that much "action" remains unreported, an impression confirmed whenever visitors from that southern island pass this way. Gowing, from his position in the midst of things, gives our readers a rare glimpse of present realities, and event a hint of what the future might hold. Incidentally, in Volume 4, Number 1 (October 1982) of the Dansalan Quarterly can be found the texts of both the Tripoli Agreement and the "White Paper" referred to in "Islam, Development, and the Muslim Filipinos. " 

    Also of current interest is "Psychological Climate in an Institution of Higher Learning: A Case Study" by Betty Abregana and Allen Del Carmen. For the past few years, Silliman University has found itself embroiled in labor disputes, eventually resulting in the formation of, and government certification of a labor union, the Silliman University Faculty Association (SUFA). As we write, SUFA and the University Administrationare set to begin collective bargaining. Abregana and Carmen explore reasons such polarization comes about in an academic setting and suggests ways friction might be lessened at this and other institutions.

    Yet another study of rabbitfish, a note of reminiscence by "old Philippine hand: Donn Hart, another on lowly kangkong, a little appreciated local resource, and a number of book reviews round out this issue. Note that several of the reviews nicely supplement the articles by Gowing and Abregana and Del Carmen.

    Finally, we regret the omission from the Table of Contents of our last issue (Volume 28, Numbers 3-4) of the author and pages of our lead article. Readers might wish to complete the entry in their copies: Struggle for Independence in Candon... William Henry Scott 88." 



  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 34 No. 1-4 (1987)

    The Silliman Journal is pleased to present another issue which focuses on the biological issues again including both marine and terrestiral studies. Technical as these papers may appear, I believe there is much here to interest the non-specialist.

    While the giant clam species are presently endangered in the Philippines, they also offer much hope for the future of this country. Research at the Silliman University Marine Laboratory and elsewhere continues to pave the way to their large-scale commercial exploitation, in a way that will increase rather than decrease the species' chances of suirvival. Giant clam farming is becoming a reality!

    "An Annotated Checklist of the Taxonomic and Conservation Status of Land Mammals in the Philippines" by Heaney, Gonzales, and Alcala promises to become the definitive reference guide for those interested in the mammals of the Philippines. Note that the authors have included comments on the conservation status of the mammals listed, calling our attention to those pressured or endangered, providing a bench mark for subsequent investigations.

    Espcially worthy of notice are the last two articles in this issue. "Morphometry and Physico-Chemical Profiles of Lakes Balinsasayao and Danao (Philippines)" by Jones and Delalamon, and "The Climate and Hydrology of the Lake Balinsasayao Watershed, Negros Orietal, Philippines" by Heideman and Erickson, continuing the long series of studies of Lake Balinsasayao published here. The authors of both articles underline the fragile condition of this last significant spot of virgin wilderness in southern Negros, apparently soon doomed to be denuded like the rest of the island. The future looks grim indeed, as hungry and landless peasants, illegal loggers and other exploiters, even armed rebels and their military counterparts all converge on the Balinsasayao area.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 65 No. 1 (2024)

    Welcome to the first issue of Silliman Journal 2024! Six full-length articles across disciplines are featured in this issue.   It opens with a study whose results are aimed to be used for urban management, specifically on bird diversity, in Negros Occidental. Lance Querubin A. Mabugat, Anton Van J C. Catalan, Lara Lois D. Te, Karl Josh L. Collarin, John Dave R. Masiado, Wyeth G. Dogelio, Phillip Raymund R. De Oca, Philip Godfrey C. Jakosalem, and Lisa Marie J. Paguntalan examined the bird species composition, abundance, diversity, evenness, and dominance at Bacolod Panaad Park and Stadium, and Provincial Capitol Park and Lagoon, using the point transect method across seven stations in each identified locale.   It is followed  by Dave E. Marcial, Alfie Q. Arcelo, Jade O. Montemayor, Steven M. Binarao, and Markus A. Launer’s “Digital Trust and Personality Types among Employees in the Workplace,” which investigated the relationship between personality and digital trust, positing that trust is an important factor affecting individuals’ willingness to accept and incorporate technology use in their lives.   In the third article, Mark Anthony M. Quintos endeavored to examine the suicide prevention bills in the Philippines. By reviewing the bills filed in the Philippine Congress and comparing them with the provisions of R.A. 11036, Quintos is able to evaluate the sufficiency of the most recent passage of a law to deal with the suicide problem.   Continuing professional development is crucial to one’s professional practice since it helps update one’s knowledge and skills. This is especially true in the nursing profession. In their article, Freslyn Lim-Saco and Theresa A. Guino-o explored the CPD needs and barriers among nurses in Negros Oriental. In his paper, Kim G. Sarong investigated and identified the obstacles and challenges to achieving precision medicine in a small-scale local study. The qualitative research involved small group discussions, key informant interviews, and a review of secondary data. The last paper by Roem T. Tuparan and Warlito S. Caturay Jr. examined the academic essays of English major students at a state university in the Philippines. The major objective of their study was to identify language learners’ errors and their sources. The cover art is by visual artist and fashion designer  Dan Ryan Duran. "Laro ng Apoy" is a collaged painting referenced from a vintage photo of a woman and a volcano.     Warlito S. Caturay Jr. , PhD
  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 36 No. 3-4 (1993)

    Opinions and facts in articles published in the SILLIMAN JOURNAL are the sole responsibility of the individual authors and not of the Editor, the Editorial Board, or Silliman University. 

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 36 No. 1 (1992)

    This special issue on biodiversity comes in response to the urgent need to document our biological resources and to understand them better before they disappear. Very interesting and useful information is given here on a wide array of organisms including bats, deer, wild pigs, whales and dolphins, and mangroves. Two articles deal with freshwater ecosystems and the resources found therein. Extinction
    of plants after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo is also documented. In most of these articles, management strategies are suggested. Finally, a good bibliography on mammals is contributed.

    We hope the readers will enjoy this issue. The Editorial Board wishes to apologize for the delay in its appearance.

    H.P. Calumpong

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 35 No. 1-4 (1988)

    If people would show endurance and enthusiasm for building up their communities instead of destroying the environment, there would be a chance to build a better future.

    This special issue of the Silliman Journal on UPLAND DEVELOPMENT not only describes land use and forest protection in the uplands of Negros Oriental province - in central Philippines, but also investigates and discusses the environmental and _ socio-cultural systems of the upland project sites—the Lake Balinsasayaoarea (25 km. northwest of Dumaguete City) and Cangguhub, Mabinay (87 km. northwest of Dumaguete City).

    Although the two upland sites differ in ecological setting and socio - cultural aspects, both have one thing in common: being recipients of a farming systems development project, introduced by Dr. Rowe V. Cadelifia, director, University Research Center (URC), Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines.

    URC researchers and the faculty working on special community development projects with URC representing various departments and colleges of Silliman University write comprehensive reports concerning improvement of people’s living conditions (socio-economic-cultural and other aspects), community leadership and organization, farm productivity, health, education and values.

    Dr. Cadelifia has authored eight articles in this issue and co-authored six others. His co-authors, all URC resarchers, are Vilina Cadelifia, Virginia Dioso, Elvisa Yrad and Rodrigo ‘Puracan. M. C, Cepeda, E. C. Delfin and E. I. Ligutom (co-authors, “Leadership Development: The SURADPU Experience’) are faculty, department of social work, College of Arts and Sciences; N. Caluseusan and C. Y. Fontelo (co-authors, “A Survey of Sample Farmers on Marketing Practices in Lake Balinsasayao) are faculty, College of Business Administration; L. V. Lim and C. P. Fontelo (co-authors, “Nutritional Assessment Among the Negrito Families in Cangguhub and Cebuano Families Around Lake

    Balinsasayao”) are facuity. College of Education; F. B. Lazano, (author, “A Barangay Health Worker’s Training Center Course for the Upland Development Program in Lake Balinsasayao”) is faculty, College of Nursing; C. P. Cadelifia (author, “After SU-RADPU: Lifestyle of the Lake Balinsasayao Farmers’) is facul-

    Exp: ty. department of sociology and anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. B. C. Abregana (author, “Things of Importance: What Marginalized Farmers in Selected Sites in Negros Oriental Are Concerned About”) is vice president for Academic Affairs; Silliman University; R. B. Paalan and A. M. Cadelifia (co-authors, “Soil Nutrients from Different Successful Stages in Lake
    Batinsasayao”) are faculty, department of biology, College of Arts and Sciences. :

    The Polic; The first article, “An Integrated and Dynamic Assessment of SURADPU Experience” (pp. 1-16) provides abstracts of all articles in this issue which are categorized in seven research areas: (1) social sub-system; (2) strategy of upland extension; (3) productivity of farms; (4) marketing; (5) health and nutrients; (6) lifestyle and values systems; and (7) biophysical sub-systems. SURADPU is an acronym for Silliman University Research Action Development Program in the Uplands.

    Note: The term Ata, which is a local name for the Negritos (native population of Cangguhub), is either used in plural form or singular form in this issue

    J. G. Perez

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 30 No. 1-2 (1983)

    SJ is proud to bring its readers a substantial contribution to Philip-
    pine history. Janice Beran’s “A History of Philippine Physical Activities:
    Pre-Spanish to 1946” traces play, sport and physical education through the centuries from ancient times to Philippine independence, Of special interest in Beran’s article is analysis of the social and political impact of sport, perhaps particularly appropriate in an Olympic year (Because of production delays, this issue is actually being printed in October 1984). Of current, vital interest is Keith Erickson and Paul Heideman’s study of birds in the Negros mountains. “Notes on the Avifauna of the Balinsasayao Rainforest Region, Negros Oriental, Philippines” not only complements earlier articles in SJ, but it also underlines how precarious the situation of this beautiful lakes region is today. As the rainforest
    shrinks, perhaps disappears, all of our lives are adversely affected. A revised version of the report on the Silliman Balinsasayao Project by Betty Abregana, mentioned by Erickson and Heideman, will appear soon
    in SJ. Notes by Valentino Sitoy and Lino Arquiza round out this issue. Arquiza’s “The Future of Christian Universities in Asia,” again, is very current. As we go to press, rumors have several major universities in
    Manila about to close their doors..Saddled with a large debt, Silliman University itself looks toward the future with uncertainty.

    Sitoy’s eulogy gives readers a glimpse of the life of Peter Gowing, whose work often appeared on these pages. Gowing’s stidden death is indeed a blow to scholarship as well as to Muslim-Christian relations: In addition, SJ, Silliman University and this editor have lost a good friend.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 33 No. 1-4 (1986)

    The present issue of the Silliman Journai could very well be one of the most valuable issues ever to come out in a long time, consisting as it does of seventeen weil-presented articles backed by competently accomplished research and investigation by their respective authors. No less.than eight important and significant areas in biology are covered from mature and technical points of view, ranging, one might say, from the sea, to the land and the air, considering that there are discussions here on marine plants, clams, crabs, fishes, and coral reefs, as well as on frogs, snakes and bats. The extensive discussions on clams—five articles, the most number in this issue, are in fact devoted to the subject—are especially significant in view of recent indications that giant clams are well on the way to extinction.

    This special issue of the SJ is made even more special by the involvement of two very noteworthy names in biology in the Philippine scene, namely, Angel C. Alcala and Walter C. Brown.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 31 No. 1-4 (1984)

    This issue of SJ is dedicated to the memory of Luz U. Ausejo .(1925-
    1984). Both this journal and this editor were greatly inspired and sup-
    ported by Dr. Ausejo over the past decade. Silliman University has in-
    deed suffered a loss. See the Note elsewhere in this issue for details on
    Dr. Ausejo’s life and the foundation that has been set up to honor her.

    The articles in this issue continue themes that have become SJ
    specialties, and several of the authors will be familiar to readers also.
    Betty Abregana’s study of the Lake Balinsasayao area is accompanied by
    an exciting plan for the future. As the Balinsasayao project continues
    let us hope that it can become a model of development that will preserve
    the natural environment while answering the needs of people.

    Alcala and Carumbana, Calumpong, and Luchavez, and Alcala take
    us from the mountains to the sea, focusing on marine resources, with
    suggestions for their planned exploitation. George Beran’s Note ties all
    together, as he discusses the bleak realities of the world food problem,
    and the small rays of hope that we must grasp if we are to avert disaster.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 37 No. 1 (1994)

    With this issue, the Silliman Journal reverts, at least temporarily, to its traditional, general format. Although our two lead articles focus on a community development project at Bais Bay, readers will notice that a wide range of academic interests is represented here, from the applied and social scientific to the philosophical and religious. “Applied” is a theme that runs throughout, as all our writers put into action the principles espoused by Jurlano and Ablan at the Silliman University College of Agriculture, where dry theory has been replaced by experiential learning.

    A related emphasis in this issue is the integration of various disciplines. Notice how Walters and Abregana and their colleagues approached the problems they met in Bais from 25 many points of views as possible. Even Mascufiana, in his solo study, attempts to view his farm worker subjects from several different perspectives.

    We sincerely hope that the problems we encountered in the production of our previous mumber (Vol. 36, No. 3-4) will have been overcome in this issue. We would like to assure both authors and readers that every effort will be made to avoid such lapses in the future.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 64 No. 2 (2023)

     Welcome to the second issue of Silliman Journal 2023! This edition presents five engaging articles, each delving into a range of subjects.  The issue opens with Dr. Florita Maslog’s, “Isolation of Phytochemical

    Components Present in Philippine Morinda citrifolia Variety (PhilNONI).” Her study focuses on the phytochemical analysis of the local Morinda citrifolia variety, known as PhilNONI. It drew inspiration from a previous work in India, and it aimed to identify and isolate phytochemical components, which in recent studies have been associated with health benefits such as immune system enhancement and antioxidative properties.

     This is followed by Mary Joie Cruz and Serlie Barroga-Jamias’ “The Mistress is the Mastermind: Framing Women Involved in a Government Fund Scam by a Social News Network in the Philippines.” In their study, they analyzed 107 stories reported by Rappler and explored the framing of women involved in the Philippine “pork barrel” scam, an instance of discretionary fund misuse in Congress.  The third article investigated the strategies employed by former impoverished individuals to navigate and rise above poverty in Dapitan City, Philippines. John Wayne V. Jacinto used a grounded theory approach to write “Surviving and Overcoming Poverty: Experiences of Quondam Poor Individuals in a Philippine City.”

     The fourth article is “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Women Engaged in Sex Work: An Evaluation of Source Interventions” by Mark Anthony Salve. Through this research, Salve aims to provide valuable insights for developing strategies to enhance the health and well-being of female sex workers.

     The issue closes with “Salin-dilang Pamana: Mga Pagpapahalaga at Kulturang Mamamalas sa Piling Kuwentong-Bayan sa Isla ng Olango.” Arnel T. Noval, Floran A. Taneo, Gwendolyn Inoc, and Abedigo A. Gaylan examined how culture is reflected in the local stories of Olango and how they are valued.

     The cover photo for this issue is courtesy of visual artist and fashion designer, Dan Ryan Duran. It is a snapshot of a sunset as seen in Antique Province’s Bugo Bridge that passes over Sibalom River.

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr. , PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 64 No. 1 (2023)

    To discover, to revise knowledge, to contribute to scholarship – these are among the many reasons people do research. Hence, writing is indispensable. It is not enough to simply answer posited research questions; the results need to be published, which somehow justifies why something needs to be problematized in the first place. Welcome to the first issue of Silliman Journal 2023. In this issue, six full research are featured.
    The first article explores the sustainability of a small-scale, community-led mining project in Compostela Valley. In her paper, Rowena Joy Decena examines the efforts undertaken by the government and its allies to solve the problems associated with small-scale mining and to stop technology-based initiatives from using a “top-down” management style.
    The second article aims to identify how the components of the energy balance are distributed throughout the various biomes in the province of Laguna. Employing solely remotely sensed data that have been further processed using the S-SEBI model, Rehel Diaz, Jose Edwin Cubelo, Arsenio Bulfa, and Kezia Shem Brusola measure the heat flux received in Laguna; provide downscaled maps of net radiation, latent heat flow, sensible heat flux, and ground heat flux; and explain how the energy components of different biomes may be compared.
    The third article provides an overview of the institutional processes surrounding the development of local renewable energy in the municipality of Naujan in Oriental Mindoro. Nico Jayson Anastacion, May Celine Thelma Vicente, Sheryl Rose Reyes, and Malvin Biguerras discuss the institutional policies and arrangements in relation to the municipality’s sociocultural and geographic setting, emphasizing how these may affect the development of renewable energy.

    The fourth article tackles an issue in community-based blood donation program. Kim Sarong evaluates the relationship between young people’s knowledge, attitude and practice; and determines the motivational variables that may be considered in drafting further proposal efforts in blood donation drives. The fifth article examines the benefit of juice extracted from noni fruit. Specifically, Florita Maslog tests the antibacterial susceptibility of PhilNONI juice against Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.  The last article delves into faith and homosexuality. In their paper, Mark Anthony Quintos and Samuel Brando Piamonte investigate how Filipino gays in the Santero community navigate their sexual identity in the context of a religious belief system that normally is against homosexuality. Aside from these six full articles, a lone article in the Notes Section is included. Juliet Padernal explores how translation, code switching, and code mixing are used in the bilingual or multilingual classroom. The cover art is a photograph taken by Rhanwil Tubilag, a staff member of the Silliman University High School who considers himself a mobile photography enthusiast that captures art in the ordinary. He calls the photo Boketto, which reminds him to “be still, be blank, stare off into the distance, and rewire.”   Enjoy!


  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 63 No. 2 (2022)

    Research is always driven by curiosity and the perennial need to revise knowledge. Hence, a good investigation is prompted by queries whose answers are too good not to be shared. For many years, the Silliman Journal has been an avenue for scholars to publicize their findings and spark intelligent discourses about them. Welcome to the second issue of Silliman University’s official multidisciplinary journal!

    In this issue, seven research articles are featured. The first three articles relate to the three important components of any academic institution: Instruction, Research, and Extension. They are followed by a visual reading of COVID-19 posters and two articles examining the effects of government and non-government organizations’ activities. The last article in Filipino delves into one of the leading causes of death globally.

    In her article, Beulah Rose R. Torres explores the quality of the culture of a Philippine private higher education institution by looking into its accreditation-related activities. By designing a qualitative study that banks on a self-study method, Torres provides an opportunity for academic leaders to reflect on their practices in preparing for site visits of accreditors.

    Noticing a gap in research management in basic education, Karl Erickson Ebora investigates teacher/research coordinators’ perceptions of the role, functions, and responsibilities of schoollevel research committee (SRC), which is absent in the Research Management Guidelines (RMG) of the Department of Education. His findings provide a basis for developing a policy note justifying the importance of SRC in the research management cycle; thus, it has to be included in the Department of Education’s RMG. Extension is an essential component of education. Considered learner-centered, it allows the enrichment of learning by immersing students in a different learning culture outside of school.

    In their article, Emmanuel M. Preña and Cherrylyn P. Labayo share how Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model can be used to evaluate a higher education institution’s teachers’ training extension program. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, the Department of Health released a number of posters. In their article, Joseph E. Padilla and Corazon A. Padilla demonstrate a multimodal discourse analysis of selected COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign posters. Using Kress and Van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (2006), they explore the meaning potential of the chosen texts.

    Jan Antoni A. Credo’s article acknowledges the role of civic society organizations. In his paper, the co-production approach is used to examine how PAGBAG-O might reduce poverty by providing end users and customers with better public services.

    In their paper, John Jonas F. Castuciano, Rheniel Dayrit, and Rodelio F. Subade acknowledge the value of creating marine protected areas (MPAs) to preserve marine biodiversity and solve the diminishing marine resources. They further attempted to determine the MPA’s economic benefits and costs in a locality in the Philippines. The last full article is a qualitative study by Cheyene Franchesca M. Go, Francis Roy S. Gonzales, Millena Maia T. Gonzales, Sweetheart Angela C. Gonzales, Mari Anne Estefani G. Guerra, Joyce Anne Marie F. Guerrero, J-Ross E. Guillermo, Nelsie Faith M. Gumapos, and Ian Mark P. Nibalvos. In the paper, they further explore the concept of high blood by examining its meaning and etymology, among others.

    In addition to these seven articles is a brief article on Silliman University’s efforts to sustain community extension programs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Novee E. Maestrecampo Jr. shares Silliman’s creative and innovative ways to keep the program afloat.

    The cover art for this issue is courtesy of the visual artist and poet F. Jordan Carnice, a creative writing graduate of Silliman University’s Department of English and Literature. As a visual artist, Carnice has joined many exhibitions that showcased his works dealing with sexuality and environmental and societal concerns. As a writer, his works have appeared in local, national, and international publications.

    The artwork in this issue is called “Good Vibes in the Time of Drowning. The following is the artist’s statement: It is no secret that climate change continues to affect communities and entire ecosystems in this world, worsening day after day, that it has been appropriately called the climate crisis. What is initially a negligible concern from several years past is, more than ever, now a highly irreversible end game for everything on the face of this planet. Unfortunately, we are only doing so little, even if we are losing so much. Many massive corporations, world leaders, and other influential individuals who have real power to do actual change seemingly treat this issue as a placeholder for public support to only progress themselves and not the environment. In short, the earth and the last of us are drowning in more ways than one. The artwork hopes to imagine that panic, rage, even grief, and mourning, even in the middle of man’s constant desire for comfort and merrymaking, could be essential in forming solutions that push for immediate action.

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 63 No. 1 (2022)

    The beauty of research is in its discovery, rediscovery, and publication. In this first issue of Silliman Journal 2022, six research papers from diverse fields present meaningful and interesting insights. The first article by Arsenio D. Bulfa and Jose Edwin C. Cubelo tackles vermicomposting, a biotechnological procedure that helps to enrich and improve the quality of soil. Although understood to be a simple procedure, it considers many factors whose complexity varies. Hence, Bulfa and Cubelo attempt to understand this by conducting a study using a complete randomized design to examine the effects of varied loading schemes on vermicompost recovery and chemical properties using litterdwelling species of earthworm. In the second article, Khris June L. Callano makes a genetic assessment of eggplant and its wild crop relatives. Using DNA barcoding, Callano endeavors to highlight the genetic and taxonomic relationships of the crops. The third and fourth articles are studies in Filipino. In his article, Arnel T. Noval aims to examine the important contribution and value of chosen Sugboanong Balak to develop a teaching model for poetry. For his part, Kendrick M. Kitane investigates the experiences of students learning Filipino using modules. The fifth article delves on queer ecology. Noting the absence of trans voice in mainstream discourse, Marfy M. Cabayao does a queer ecological reading of two docu-narratives. The issue closes with a reading of a text from the Old Testament. In her article, Lily F. Apura does a resistance reading of the Tower of Babel. Enjoy! The cover artwork is by local artist and Sillimanian Cil Flores. Calling it “Everything Reminds Me Of,” Flores says it is a painting of the things that remind her of Dumaguete and Negros Oriental.

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 62 No. 2 (2021)

    Welcome to another issue of Silliman Journal! This is a special issue, as all the articles here were presented during the 8th Asia-Pacific Virtual Conference on Service Learning, which Silliman University hosted on July 28-29, 2021. Service learning (SL) has been an important educational approach used by many universities around the world. It has been found to foster meaningful learning because students not only learn theories; they are also engaged in community work and reflective activities, allowing them to heighten their understanding of concepts. This issue is devoted to the discussion of service learning initiatives and insights of service learning practitioners from different universities in the Asian region. The discussion opens with an article written by a group of SL practitioners from the Silliman University Nutrition and Dietetics Program. In their work, Mark Ronald Genove, Ruth Ann Entea, Alvyn Klein Man-ay, and Jin Genove explore how their department’s SL has contributed to the strengthening of their students’ attributes that are aligned with the university’s whole person education approach. In the second article, Darryl Robinson and Michele Naranjo write about the experience and reflections of psychology students who interacted with female residents in a community in Dumaguete City. The focus of this initiative was on the women’s mental health. Next is Ka Hing Lau’s exploration of a conceptual framework that adopts a multi-stakeholder approach. Specifically, she discusses how a university in Hong Kong applied it and explicates how SL can be a winning collaborative effort by the faculty and students. The pandemic has made service learning more challenging. However, it can be done as illustrated by the fourth article. Marietta Guanzon writes about their partner organizations during the pandemic and identifies electronic service learning initiatives done by their university. How can service learning be measured? The Service-learning Outcomes Measurement Scale in English, a valid and reliable scale, was developed in Hong Kong. Since there are big Chinese speaking regions, the instrument was translated to Chinese. In the last article, Ka Hing Lau, Robin Stanley Snell, and Jeffrey Ching To Keung elaborate on the process of translation and validation done. Happy reading! The cover art is courtesy of visual artist and fashion designer Dan Ryan Duran. It is part of a painting called “Pulang Yuta,” an homage to the old artisan tradition of pottery using red clay in Dumaguete City

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 62 No. 1 (2021)

    Welcome to the first issue of Silliman Journal 2021! The six full articles and two notes featured in this issue seem to revolve around the theme of interconnectedness between humans and many different systems. The first full article investigates the use of pesticides in farming. Jose Edwin C. Cubelo and Teodora A. Cubelo explore the extent of farmers’ use of pesticides and how these leave residues in the vegetables, soils, and water samples in the province of Negros Oriental. The next article is by Khris June L. Callano who notes a gap in research in the Philippines. In his paper, he makes a phytochemical study on eggplants and their wild relatives. The third article is a collaborative research by academics in Cebu City. Kristine Mae L. Jumonong, Angela C. Barliso, Mariejayn C. Lempio, Henry Clint D. Ricaborda, Jake Joshua C. Garces and Jay P. Picardal do a floristic inventory and survey the distribution of trees in the urban streets of Cebu. They contend that doing these leads to more efficient planning and designing of a sustainable city. Climate change is among the big topics in the high school curriculum. In the fourth article, Kenneth B. Pael explores high school students’ level of knowledge and behavioral responses to climate change so informed instructional interventions can be made. The fifth article talks about gastro diplomacy, a concept that examines closely the relationships formed around and propagated by food. Jason Troy F. Bajar and Renia F. Dela Peña examine the sociodemographic factors that affect the attitudes toward gastrodiplomacy among local government employees. The last full article of the issue analyzes the complaints lodged against health workers with the Professional Regulation Commission. In their paper, Alvin B. Caballes, Ivy D. Patdu, and Joel U. Macalino attempt to describe the complaint patterns, identify the source of complaints, among others. The notes section features the articles of Joseph and Corazon Padilla and Jan Antoni Credo. In their paper, Joseph and Corazon review an article on communicative language teaching in the postmodern era. Jan’s article, on the other hand, talks about the applicability of western political theories in the Philippine context. The cover art for this issue is courtesy of Rodney Meg Fritz Balagtas, a teacher in Hanoi, Vietnam. The picture, which he shot using his phone, captures the boatmen in Hanoi at dusk. He said that the dramatic shot was a result of good timing, as he was able to take it when “the boatmen and their vessel aligned with the dying light of the sun.”

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 61 No. 1 (2020)

    On behalf of the Editorial Team, I am pleased to present this first issue of Silliman Journal 2020. Contained in this issue are articles from diverse fields – from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. What seems to be the thread that binds them together is the theme on stewardship. The first article is a collaborative study on Mottled Rabbitfish or what is known locally as danggit by National Scientist Dr. Angel C. Alcala and his team composed of Abner Bucol, Lily Bucol, Lilibeth A. Bucol, Edwin F. Romano, Zoe Ruben, Micah Bachner, Giselle Ann A. Alvarez, Chris Bird, Beth A. Polidoro, and Kent E. Carpenter. The study examines not only the status of this species as a popular fish product in Negros Oriental but also its threats, particularly microplastics and overfishing. The next article is by Cynthia V. Almazan and Annie Melinda Paz-Alberto. It assesses the conservation programs implemented in the aquatic ecosystems traversing Pampanga River by looking into how these programs protect the environment, change people’s social behavior, promote economic benefits, and inspire policy formulation. In the third article, Nina Arra DJ. Rivera and Annie Melinda PazAlberto assess the diversity of fauna in Mt. Tapulao, Palauig, Zambales. Their evaluation focused on identifying and determining the conservation status, endemism, and population trends of animals in the area. The fourth article surveys the birds of five small islands in Palawan. Using a combination of methods, Lisa J. Paguntalan, Philip Godfrey Jakosalem, Bernard Bonares, and Maria Feliza Janet Oquendo record bird species found in these areas. The fifth article is a study conducted in Malaysia. Megawati Soekarno and Sue-hi Ting write about the impact of a 13-week training course on culinary students’ communication strategy use. The last full-length article is by artist Niccolo R. Vitug who writes about making space for contributions and critique of the Tiempos and the Silliman University National Writers Workshop (SUNWW). In this paper, Niccolo re-examines Conchitina Cruz’s “The (Mis)education of the Filipino Writer: The Tiempo Age and Institutionalized Creative Writing” and explains gaps left by the paper. Aside from these five full-length papers, two articles are included in the Notes Section of this issue. The first one, written by Jan Antoni A. Credo, attempts three questions on governance in the Philippine context; hence, it is a brief note on local governance and politics. The second note is by writer Karlo Antonio G. David who sees the need to examine Mindanao’s Tagalog creolized languages. The cover art, “Dharma Mandala: Nucleus of the Mystic Sea,” is by international artist Elle Divine. The painting is part of Ocean Dharma, her third solo exhibition. She writes, “Our lives wheel around the infinite Circle – floating in the cradle of the mystic sea.”

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 61 No. 2 (2020)

    When one is passionately curious, one finds many interesting things about nature and its people. Welcome to the second issue of Silliman Journal 2020. In this issue are six full-length articles inspired by explorations of human nature, learning, and nature. The first article explores humans’ spirituality and people’s ability to bounce back after a tragedy. Rogen Ferdinand E. Alcantara seeks to determine the relationship between natural disaster survivors’ spirituality and resilience. The next article investigates the factors that affect the reading anxiety of students coming from a context where English enjoys a second language status. Kei Jullesse C. Quinal examines the students’ level of reading anxiety and comprehension and determines whether their chosen strands influence these in senior high school.
    Noting the importance of wellness in the teaching profession, Kenneth B. Pael examines senior high school teachers’ personal health and wellness practices in a local school. Data from the study will be used to design a personal improvement plan for the teachers. Following Pael’s article is an assessment of the diversity of trees in the forest ecosystem of Mt. Tapulao in Zambales. Nina Arra DJ. Rivera and Annie Melinda-Paz identify the trees found in the area to assess various aspects like their conversation status, economic use, endemism, etc. This evaluation is vital in managing the forest ecosystem, an important contributor to the area’s natural and economic resources. The fifth article is a perception study done by Annie Melinda PazAlberto, Oliva B. Parico, Roann P. Alberto, Carl Dionelle Ponce, and Daryl A. Juganas. Their article writes about fisherfolks’ knowledge and perception of the changes happening in the coastal and fishery resources in four municipalities of Zambales. The last article is a paper in the field of chemistry. Flora M. Yrad writes about modifying a dextrin methodology, simplifying the process and equipment for gold nanoparticle (AuNP), and reducing its reaction time. In the notes section, John Edgar C. Rubio, Deo Mar E. Suasin, and I write about an innovation that we introduced in the Language Learning Center that contributes to our Intensive English Program students’ learning process university students. The cover art for this issue is “At the Bookstore” by artist and educator Rebecca M. de la Torre. It is a painting that depicts two loves of the artist: her mom and books.

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

  • Silliman Journal
    Vol. 60 No. 2 (2019)

    Welcome to the second issue of Silliman Journal 2019. The five articles featured in this issue illustrate how research is always purposive. In the first article, Karlo Antonio G. David attempts to tell what happened to Kidapawan and its people during the War. To tell the story, he collects oral accounts from old residents and families, allowing him to record and preserve rich historical data. Cognizant of the importance of vocabulary learning in language learning, Jennifer Eve A. Solitana, and Joan C. Generoso examine an aspect of the area. Their paper investigates whether the students’ reported vocabulary strategy use could have a link to a favorable performance in a vocabulary examination. In their article, Ronald B. Kinilitan, Jean Cristine V. Ontal, and Ginalyn A. Orillana evaluate an outreach program of the Department of Filipino and Foreign Languages. Aimed to revive and popularize a traditional art form, the program is in its initial stages; thus, the researchers find the need to gauge its effectiveness. Many factors affect language learning. Among these is language learning anxiety; hence, John Edgar C. Rubio, Joan C. Generoso, and I investigate the levels of anxiety among international students who are learning English in a context where English is considered a second language. Mary Ann M. Temprosa makes a descriptive survey of private elementary school teachers’ perceptions of human well-being. By doing so, she attempts to bridge the knowledge gap on teacher well-being and to examine how this knowledge flows into the teaching and learning process. In her article, Roann P. Alberto gauges the effectiveness of materials and strategies in conserving a forest ecosystem in Nueva Ecija. To do this, she uses questionnaires and analyzes the results descriptively and statistically. Finally, Jose Edwin C. Cubelo examines the use of pesticides in agriculture. In his article, he seeks to determine the factors that lead vegetable farmers to choose pesticides as their primary pest control strategy in spite of many alternative strategies. Aside from the five full-length articles, there is one entry to the Notes Section. In her essay, Myla June T. Patron reflects on a test revision process, a part of testing and assessment that she admittedly feels uncomfortable. The cover art is courtesy of Negrense artist and fashion designer Dan Ryan E. Duran. The photo, which he took early in the morning, shows dew forming on a cobweb on a bed of leaves. He said that it seemed to represent hope that even with the absence of rain, water can still be collected in unexpected places; thus, he calls this “Morning’s Blessings.” Happy reading!

    Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD

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