Socio-Economic Assessment of the Households Along the Jalaur River System, Province of Iloilo, Panay Island


  • Reynaldo N. Dusaran Central Philippine University
  • Randy Anthony V. Pabulayan Central Philippine University


biodiversity, conservation, fresh-water ecosystem, health, river, river system, socio-economic benefits


The socio-economic aspect of the study was conducted to EFUFSNJOFUIFQFSTPOBMBOEIPVTFIPMETPDJPEFNPHSBQIJDQSPmMF
organizational and socio-political involvement, economic activities and use of the river system resources by the dependent population; perceived importance of the Jalaur River System to households, immediate community and neighboring communities; and to identify problems, issues and concerns affecting the Jalaur River System. The one-shot survey design was used in collecting data from randomly selected sample households in sample barangays in the upstream, midstream and downstream areas of Jalaur River System through personal interview using a structured interview schedule. The respondents considered the Jalaur River as very important because it is the source of water for domestic use, irrigation, drinking and bathing of farm animals. It is also their source PGGPPE BOEPGUIFJSMJWFMJIPPETVDIBTmTIJOH RVBSSZJOH HBUIFSJOH cutting of trees or vegetation. Tourism, rituals, and cultural activities were also conducted in the Jalaur River. Despite recognizing its importance, some respondents in the downstream used the river as toilet and disposed their household waste and used water into the river, as well as the waste water of their livestock. Runoff waste water drained from neighboring farms eventually goes to the river and further pollutes it, likely explaining the observed decrease JO UIF OVNCFS PG mTI TQFDJFT BOE JO UIF WPMVNF PG mTI DBUDI Nevertheless, some respondents claimed that the river could still be their source of income for 20 years or more.




How to Cite

Dusaran, R. N., & Pabulayan, R. A. V. . (2022). Socio-Economic Assessment of the Households Along the Jalaur River System, Province of Iloilo, Panay Island. Silliman Journal, 51(1). Retrieved from