Green Room Players of Greenfield, Massachussetts: Bringing Community Theater into the Community


  • Ruby L. Ordinario Agnir


Well documented as being the most widely attended venue for theater in America, community theater is a very important vehicle in establishing many aspects of a community's cultural and social life. Community theater puts into practice notions of how plays could energize and benefit all those who had dealings with it. Since its founding in 1983, the Green Room Players has offered opportunities for the full diversity of the community to engage in meaningful exploration through play production. By presenting new or unfamiliar, as well as familiar plays, the Green RoOm Players brings the transformative power of theater to audiences of Greenfield, Massachussetts. For the Green Room Players, every performance draws an impressive commitment from each individual as they share a sense of having created something significant both in terms of the play and its effect on the intellectual and emotional development of their community.




How to Cite

Ordinario Agnir, R. L. (2022). Green Room Players of Greenfield, Massachussetts: Bringing Community Theater into the Community. Silliman Journal, 45(1). Retrieved from