Vol. 38 No. 1&2 (1997): Silliman Journal

					View Vol. 38 No. 1&2 (1997): Silliman Journal

"Expressing Nursing as Caring through Music", this issue's lead article by Rozzano C. Locsin, sums up the framework on which the Silliman Journal balances its investigative discussions in the humanities and sciences. The next two articles -  @Nutrient Water Quality of Banica River in Dumaguete City, Philippines" by Chester Dumancas et al and "On the Occurence of Bullations in the Seagrass, Halophila Ovalis (R. Brown) Hooker F. from Bais Bay, Central Philippines" by Ernani Meñez and Hilconida Calumpong - reiterate the journal's posture in the pure sciences.

Shifting back the journal's focus to the humanities, Dale Law's "Why Jane Austen" sets the tone for self-reflection that is capped by this issue's final aticles, " A Choice of Creation" excerpted from Perla Tayko's address at Silliman University's 38th Honors Day Convocation.

Published: 2023-10-03

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