Vol. 10 No. 3 (1963): Silliman Journal

					View Vol. 10 No. 3 (1963): Silliman Journal

Scholars will understand the importance of bibliographical stu-
dies and Professor Donn V. Hart’s bibliographical writings on South-
east Asia and the Philippines have been universally well received.
We are indeed happy to make available the very valuable bibliogra-
phy he has prepared on education in Southeast Asia. Dr. Hart, an
anthropologist, has lived in the Philippines, studying and partici-
pating in barrio life, and his monographs, embodying his findings,
have provided significant contributions to our growing understand-
ing of the culture characteristics of this land.

Occasionally the Journal republishes important Filipiniana ma-
terial printed previously in periodicals which do not circulate widely,
or at all, in the Philippines. Such is the case with Mr. William
Henry Scott’s piece on “The Philippine Independent Church in His-
tory:” which appeared originally in the Hast and West Review for
January, 1962. It is reprinted here with permission. We shall read
more of Mr. Scott’s material in future issues, for some of his ex-
ceedingly useful anthropological studies of Mountain Province, pub-
lished elsewhere, deserve larger readership.

Bishop John A. T. Robinscn’s book, Honest To God, has stirred
considerable discussion, much of it heated, in both England and
America. Professor Douglas J. Elwood’s provocative review helps to
clue us in on the debate which doubtless will have its reverberations
throughout the Christian world.

It is with deep regret that I announce the sudden death of Mr.
Job. R. Villagonzalo, our Editorial Assistant, on May 30, 1964, as
this issue was in the press. For a number of years he has, in addi-
tion to his other duties in the president’s office, undertaken the job
of proofreading the galleys of the Journal, a tedious task he perform-
ed with great skill.


Published: 2023-12-21

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