Vol. 30 No. 1-2 (1983): Silliman Journal

					View Vol. 30 No. 1-2 (1983): Silliman Journal

SJ is proud to bring its readers a substantial contribution to Philip-
pine history. Janice Beran’s “A History of Philippine Physical Activities:
Pre-Spanish to 1946” traces play, sport and physical education through the centuries from ancient times to Philippine independence, Of special interest in Beran’s article is analysis of the social and political impact of sport, perhaps particularly appropriate in an Olympic year (Because of production delays, this issue is actually being printed in October 1984). Of current, vital interest is Keith Erickson and Paul Heideman’s study of birds in the Negros mountains. “Notes on the Avifauna of the Balinsasayao Rainforest Region, Negros Oriental, Philippines” not only complements earlier articles in SJ, but it also underlines how precarious the situation of this beautiful lakes region is today. As the rainforest
shrinks, perhaps disappears, all of our lives are adversely affected. A revised version of the report on the Silliman Balinsasayao Project by Betty Abregana, mentioned by Erickson and Heideman, will appear soon
in SJ. Notes by Valentino Sitoy and Lino Arquiza round out this issue. Arquiza’s “The Future of Christian Universities in Asia,” again, is very current. As we go to press, rumors have several major universities in
Manila about to close their doors..Saddled with a large debt, Silliman University itself looks toward the future with uncertainty.

Sitoy’s eulogy gives readers a glimpse of the life of Peter Gowing, whose work often appeared on these pages. Gowing’s stidden death is indeed a blow to scholarship as well as to Muslim-Christian relations: In addition, SJ, Silliman University and this editor have lost a good friend.

Published: 2024-06-06

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