Vol. 35 No. 1-4 (1988): Silliman Journal

If people would show endurance and enthusiasm for building up their communities instead of destroying the environment, there would be a chance to build a better future.
This special issue of the Silliman Journal on UPLAND DEVELOPMENT not only describes land use and forest protection in the uplands of Negros Oriental province - in central Philippines, but also investigates and discusses the environmental and _ socio-cultural systems of the upland project sites—the Lake Balinsasayaoarea (25 km. northwest of Dumaguete City) and Cangguhub, Mabinay (87 km. northwest of Dumaguete City).
Although the two upland sites differ in ecological setting and socio - cultural aspects, both have one thing in common: being recipients of a farming systems development project, introduced by Dr. Rowe V. Cadelifia, director, University Research Center (URC), Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines.
URC researchers and the faculty working on special community development projects with URC representing various departments and colleges of Silliman University write comprehensive reports concerning improvement of people’s living conditions (socio-economic-cultural and other aspects), community leadership and organization, farm productivity, health, education and values.
Dr. Cadelifia has authored eight articles in this issue and co-authored six others. His co-authors, all URC resarchers, are Vilina Cadelifia, Virginia Dioso, Elvisa Yrad and Rodrigo ‘Puracan. M. C, Cepeda, E. C. Delfin and E. I. Ligutom (co-authors, “Leadership Development: The SURADPU Experience’) are faculty, department of social work, College of Arts and Sciences; N. Caluseusan and C. Y. Fontelo (co-authors, “A Survey of Sample Farmers on Marketing Practices in Lake Balinsasayao) are faculty, College of Business Administration; L. V. Lim and C. P. Fontelo (co-authors, “Nutritional Assessment Among the Negrito Families in Cangguhub and Cebuano Families Around Lake
Balinsasayao”) are facuity. College of Education; F. B. Lazano, (author, “A Barangay Health Worker’s Training Center Course for the Upland Development Program in Lake Balinsasayao”) is faculty, College of Nursing; C. P. Cadelifia (author, “After SU-RADPU: Lifestyle of the Lake Balinsasayao Farmers’) is facul-
Exp: ty. department of sociology and anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. B. C. Abregana (author, “Things of Importance: What Marginalized Farmers in Selected Sites in Negros Oriental Are Concerned About”) is vice president for Academic Affairs; Silliman University; R. B. Paalan and A. M. Cadelifia (co-authors, “Soil Nutrients from Different Successful Stages in Lake
Batinsasayao”) are faculty, department of biology, College of Arts and Sciences. :
The Polic; The first article, “An Integrated and Dynamic Assessment of SURADPU Experience” (pp. 1-16) provides abstracts of all articles in this issue which are categorized in seven research areas: (1) social sub-system; (2) strategy of upland extension; (3) productivity of farms; (4) marketing; (5) health and nutrients; (6) lifestyle and values systems; and (7) biophysical sub-systems. SURADPU is an acronym for Silliman University Research Action Development Program in the Uplands.
Note: The term Ata, which is a local name for the Negritos (native population of Cangguhub), is either used in plural form or singular form in this issue
J. G. Perez