Vol. 29 No. 1-2 (1982): Silliman Journal

					View Vol. 29 No. 1-2 (1982): Silliman Journal

We welcome Peter Gowing back to SJ this issue, after absence much longer than we would wish. The Dansalan Quarterly, which Gowing edits, regularly carries a section entitled "We are Constantly asked.... " Ineed, information on what is really happenning in Mindanao is very hard to  come by, even in the Philippines. We do know that there is a war going on. But Manila newspapers described the situation as "quiet", the rebels as "no longer a threat" one day, then report ambushes, bombings, or other violence the next. We suspect that much "action" remains unreported, an impression confirmed whenever visitors from that southern island pass this way. Gowing, from his position in the midst of things, gives our readers a rare glimpse of present realities, and event a hint of what the future might hold. Incidentally, in Volume 4, Number 1 (October 1982) of the Dansalan Quarterly can be found the texts of both the Tripoli Agreement and the "White Paper" referred to in "Islam, Development, and the Muslim Filipinos. " 

Also of current interest is "Psychological Climate in an Institution of Higher Learning: A Case Study" by Betty Abregana and Allen Del Carmen. For the past few years, Silliman University has found itself embroiled in labor disputes, eventually resulting in the formation of, and government certification of a labor union, the Silliman University Faculty Association (SUFA). As we write, SUFA and the University Administrationare set to begin collective bargaining. Abregana and Carmen explore reasons such polarization comes about in an academic setting and suggests ways friction might be lessened at this and other institutions.

Yet another study of rabbitfish, a note of reminiscence by "old Philippine hand: Donn Hart, another on lowly kangkong, a little appreciated local resource, and a number of book reviews round out this issue. Note that several of the reviews nicely supplement the articles by Gowing and Abregana and Del Carmen.

Finally, we regret the omission from the Table of Contents of our last issue (Volume 28, Numbers 3-4) of the author and pages of our lead article. Readers might wish to complete the entry in their copies: Struggle for Independence in Candon... William Henry Scott 88." 



Published: 2024-10-02