Vol. 37 No. 1 (1994): Silliman Journal

					View Vol. 37 No. 1 (1994): Silliman Journal

With this issue, the Silliman Journal reverts, at least temporarily, to its traditional, general format. Although our two lead articles focus on a community development project at Bais Bay, readers will notice that a wide range of academic interests is represented here, from the applied and social scientific to the philosophical and religious. “Applied” is a theme that runs throughout, as all our writers put into action the principles espoused by Jurlano and Ablan at the Silliman University College of Agriculture, where dry theory has been replaced by experiential learning.

A related emphasis in this issue is the integration of various disciplines. Notice how Walters and Abregana and their colleagues approached the problems they met in Bais from 25 many points of views as possible. Even Mascufiana, in his solo study, attempts to view his farm worker subjects from several different perspectives.

We sincerely hope that the problems we encountered in the production of our previous mumber (Vol. 36, No. 3-4) will have been overcome in this issue. We would like to assure both authors and readers that every effort will be made to avoid such lapses in the future.

Published: 2024-05-10

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